The WisePath approach
You don't take the same path to get to the ocean or the mountains.
Likewise, WisePath Strategy does not use the same identical steps to help every business navigate its distinctive "Paths to Results". Since the role of WisePath Strategy is to help you navigate your path, instead we use an approach to look at where you are, and where you want to be. |
Start with the Market - your customers and prospects ultimately vote with their wallets on your success. So the starting point must look at your customers, end users, channels, and competitors.
Look at the Data - not because it always gives the answer, but because it often generates the questions that lead to the right answers. Connect the Dots - over time, strategic linkages between the market and what your business does day to day can erode. Getting these linkages aligned helps ensure your hard work is valued by the market |
Use the right tools - It might be easy to always use a "SWOT" analysis for strategic questions or reassuring to always conduct in-depth conjoint analysis and "BASES" testing for new products. The WisePath approach is to use tools that fit the question and potential value of the answer.
Visualize the approach - Just as a trail map helps to navigate, visualizing the opportunity and potential solutions help bring clarity to decision making. |